Sunday, August 4, 2019

summer 2019

We had our annual summer ceilidh at the end of June at the new winter venue, Muirhead and Birkhill Millennium Hall near Dundee and despite the exciting power cut, it was a lovely evening with plenty of fun, food, dancing and fellowship. We also had a visit from the Gideons on that evening and all the children who wished and hadn't been there or were too young last time, received a new Testament.

Our next official trip will be to the Dundee Flower and Food Festival on Friday 6th September. In recent years, entry has been free for home educators and it certainly is a very educational and informative day. We normally meet around the bandstand/picnic tables around 1pm to eat our picnics together; let us know if you would like to join us, so we can look out for you.

Otherwise we expect to have one or two informal park meet ups; please contact us for details.